The brief was to produce new imagery of pre-painted motorcycle fairing kits. Made in China, these fairing kits were actually very cool. Representing very good value for money and authentic replicas of famous race liveries. However, the supplied imagery was heavily watermarked with the manufactures logo, small in size, poor quality and the component parts of the fairing kit were laid out flat in a plan view. Not very pretty or conducive to sales.

Originally, the Motorcycle department manager wanted these photographing in the same layout. However, after a bit of thought, we decided to show the fairings as they would look on the bike. I had one fairing showroom display stand to work with that only fitted the one fairings. For the other fairings that did not fit the stand, I had to use lots of tape and card to secure the parts into position. Ghetto style!

Despite the usual limitations of a continuous light set up and a very small space to work in, I think these turned out quite well and were certainly more cohesive than any other replica fairing imagery about at the time.

They even made me want a race replica motorcycle! Quite badly!


  • Research
  • Product Preparation
  • Studio Photography Skills
  • Cardboard Ninja Skills
  • Sellotape Engineering
  • Lighting
  • Digital Retouching
  • Image Composites
  • Image Processing For Web

  • Myself
  • Lee Sharples

The edited image sans tape, cardboard and any props that may have been holding anything in position. All my product photography is cut out on a white background with a saved clipping path for future use.


Before taking any of images plenty of prep (cardboard and sellotape) goes into ensuring all products look as they are intended to be and at their very best. No matter what size they are.