The aim of this brief was to design a single page press advert that conveyed the fact that staff at Tweets Cycles are all passionate cycling enthusiasts. The idea was to show empathy and understanding to the customer. If we could show our passion then this would build confidence and strengthen the brand.

Working alongside the Online Content & Social Media Executive we brainstormed together and arrived at an X-ray theme to convey the ‘its what we are made off’ type of message. We continued to refine the idea into something that we could achieve with our limited budget and timeframe. Focusing the message to be ‘On the mind’ meant that the imagery could be focused around the head and not the whole body making the X-ray/bike parts under the skin/on the brain message much more condensed, focused and achievable. Around the outside, framing the imagery, the tweets cycles core values were re-alliterated to ‘drum home’ the brand’s core values.

To achieve the image I set about finding a suitable skull x-ray image which I printed off and arranged the bike parts on top off to represent different parts of the skull/skeleton. I then shot the image from above, cut it out, styled and combined them back with the original digital image of the skull.

This project combined my graphic design, photography and illustration skills together in one outcome which is something I always enjoy doing.

Hopefully, the advert showed the Tweeks Cycles customer base that the staff and company had a genuine affinity with their passion. Hopefully, this message helped to build trust in the Tweeks Cycles brand. ‘Trust in us because we do what you do’

Later the advert was adapted to affiliate online banners and hosted by such sites as Singletrack Magazine online.


  • Brand Reinforcement
  • Image Composites
  • Photography
  • Team Work


  • Brainstorming & Research
  • Design
  • Photography

Mike Weaver

  • Brainstorming & Photography Assistant

As Published In

Adapted for external web banners