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Philip Ridge

Creator of designs and thinker of fresh ideas

I’m a Graphic Designer and Photographer based in Wrexham and currently working for an international motorsport retail company. I’m extremely hungry for a new challenge and I’m looked for the right people who can see something in me and are willing to get behind me.

Design at the core

I’m a designer with experience of designing for both web and print. I’m fully versed in the design of email campaigns, catalogue pages, internal & external website banners, internal signage and adverts for print. I like to keep my mind open, the ideas flowing. I have a willingness to learn new things and an ability to turn my hand to anything.


I’m not one for overlooking the technical side of things and have paid my dues in Typesetting, the Production of PDF data, calibrating and proofing to ISO standards. delivering solutions that work.


Image making for you

I create product, still & editorial photography. Producing high-quality images for print and web from a pop-up studio using continuous lighting. It’s a basic setup that cost minimum money but I have learned everything the hard way.  I’m self-taught with my Image editing and re-touching but you never stop learning in photography. I love Producing composite images and managing my own workflow.

For a lot of my editorial work outside the studio, I use a single Speedlight. My setup is the most basic but its a result of my circumstances. I buy my own equipment so, I have to keep it simple. I can use my experience and set up a photo/video department that meets your business needs and delivers professional results for a realistic outlay.

Edited Images
Images A Year
Images A Day