Myself and my co-worker, Thomas Law had a brief run of producing nice, high-quality images to promote certain lines of bikes and products across social media with a focus on Instagram. The main aim was to firstly drive sales but to also reinforce the tweaks cycles brand in a positive, professional and on-trend manner. To fulfill these briefs we had no budget, no authority to leave the site, just my own limited equipment and very little time. we were mainly driving these mini shoots with our own initiative as we felt it was the right thing to do and if we did it right, would add weight to the tweaks cycles brand. Hopefully, we would be communicating on a visual level the cycle industry and cycles customer understands and demands, building confidence and driving sales.

This particular shoot was quite early on and it was a case of finding an environment that looked interesting and uniform. a few stacks of pallets provided the right urban edge and enough wood to hint at a skatepark, which could be one of the bikes uses.


  • Lighting
  • Photo Editing

  • Myself
  • Thomas Law