Sometimes, it all comes together and works as it should. This social media shoot to promote the then-new Mondraker Vantage R 27.5 was one of those times. With the expansion and construction of new office buildings at Demon Tweeks brought some great shooting locations. The part finished and architectural looking garage/showroom space provided some great monotone backdrops to make the metallic blue and vivid orange of the Mondraker Vantage R really pop under my single speed light.

This set of images was posted up to Facebook with Mondraker, Single Track Magazine and a few other key bike industry names tagged in. To our surprise, we initially had quite a few shares from our tags but we weren’t ready for the explosion that was around the corner as the original post went what can only be described as viral. these picture reached millions of people and were by far and away the best social media post Tweeks Cycles has had with a notable increase in traffic to the website and a spike in sales. it was a feat not to be repeated as shortly after Facebook changed the way in which business could use and share information on Facebook. Consequently, our posts could never get the same reach again without spending money.


  • Taking Briefs
  • Speed Light Photography
  • Image Editing
  • Colour Grading

  • Myself
  • Mike Weaver (Grip & Social Media Management)