Demon Tweeks has its own garage services and from time to time this presents good opportunity to generate imagery that can be used for a variety of uses. Every now and again a very clean example of a modified car will come in the garages.

This particular car embodied the target audience for the performance and tuning arm of the company quite well and presented an ideal opportunity to create some striking imagery. The Audi S3 is a popular model for tuners and modifiers with this particular example sporting very basic but hugely typical and aspirational look of ‘on trend’ & ‘fitted’ aftermarket wheels and suitably low suspension modifications.

I shot this particular S3 in what has become something of my signature style. I work with a single speed light and paint the shots together in photoshop before adding final edits and colour grading.

Some colours shoot better than others and this particular blue Audi came out really well for me. The owner was suitable impressed as were a number of other companies who subsequently stole the image and used it in their own marketing material!

This particular image has seen some mileage throughout the company and has been seen in numerous banners, emails and printed material.


  • Research
  • Photography
  • Light Painting With Flash
  • Image Composites
  • Digital Retouching


  • Myself

I later modified this image to be a cutaway style illustration revealing inner parts beneath the bodywork. The original request from the brand manager was to find a cutaway style engineering illustration to create banner artwork and a landing page. However, these images take skilled draughtsmen and illustrators countless hours to produce and cost a significant amount of money. I think the solution we arrived at was very effective both in terms of cost, look and fulfilling the requirements of the brief.